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Exercices from Geneva to Sion (LSGG-LSGS)

Today sunday it’s a sunny day and it’s also a good opportunity to practice a little. My instructor gave me rendez vous to practice some exercices around Sion as we have no VIP today. It will be an interesting practice from what I saw from my instructions :

  • Depart on a MEDAM SID and leave the SID as soon as you’re on FL180.
  • Fly direct to GRANA into the holding, fly one hold and follow the IGS RWY 25 approach.
  • Fly a go-around on the minimum and follow the standard missed approach procedure.
  • Fly into the published holding and fly at least 2 holdings.
  • Fly again an IGS 25 and then a circling for RWY 07.
  • On the runway 07, make a touch-and-go and climb to FL180. Fly along the valley until you are above the mountains.
  • Now ask for a visual approach on the active runway.

So let’s prepare my flight ! NO PAX, No cargo, the distance is short but from what my instructor asking me I suppose i will need some fuel and time and be more concentrate. Taxi and trip would brun around 2000kg of fuel, I will have 2 holding pattern on GRANA, 3 turns in total , a missed approach, a touch down and a VFR approach plus my reserve, I consider that 9000 Kg of fuel would be a good solution, I should burn between 4t/6t of fuel 2500/4000 Euros for this practice.


Geneva (Geneve Cointrin/Switzerland) to Sion (Sion/Switzerland)

DEP: LSGG/22 INIT ALT: FL180     PAX: 0
ZFW: 41324  TOW: 49779

TIME: 10/14/2018 14:05z --> 10/14/2018 15:05z ETE : 01:00
FUEL               CORR          ENDUR NOTES
CRUISE ...........  754 ........ --:-- 
TRIP ............. 1590 ........ 01:00
EXTRA ............ 4560 ........ 02:00
MIN T/O .......... 2000 ........ --:-- 
FINAL RESV ....... 6865 ........ --:-- 
RELEASE .......... 8455 ........ --:-- 
STAR: ()
LSGG 141220Z 21005KT 150V270 CAVOK 21/11 Q1013 NOSIG
LSGS 141220Z 07012KT 040V110 CAVOK 24/03 Q1014

LIMW 141220Z AUTO 11019KT 9999 SCT100 18/09 Q1019
LSGG 141220Z 21005KT 150V270 CAVOK 21/11 Q1013 NOSIG


Okay it’s middle of afternoon, sunny for now, the active runway on Sion is the 07, let’s enjoy this  afternoon !

Departure Geneva
Leaving the SID
Region of Sion , always beautiful
The IGS 25 , my game field for today
GRANA Holding. These clouds could cancel my exercice but the layer seems enough high.
GRANA Holding
Few instant to play the tourist and enjoying the Ice sea view.
Mist around, the end of day is coming soon also.
Cicling, taking my marks for a touchdown on #07
Sunset and mist , a chance that i will land with the sun on backside
Damned instructor he was so confortable that he decided to take a photos from passenger view !
Landing finally but it was exhausting
4000 Kg of fuel burnt !
Not so much place on this parking
Direction the hotel now for a good drink and sleep !


Part of IVAO Switzerland Airbus A320 Rating Tour 2018

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