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Malta to Lampedusa (LMML-LICD)

The challenge this time with this tour leg is a Z flight rule (start in VFR and finish in IFR) and as i dont like so much fly too much over the ocean with my little bird, I will have to quickly find the Fix point to start my IFR.

The mission is the following :

  • I would have fly close to the beauty of Malta, its nearby Islands and Beaches until to join the IFR flightplan and fly to Lampedusa.
  • Depart in Malta under VFR-Rules via Route GH, MF, SP, CT, GZO VOR, WP, DR to the WEST GATE.
  • Leave the WEST GATE and fly to the Island of Linosa.
  • After overflying the little Island, proceed to Waypoint LATNI and fly the DME-ARC of LATNI 1B followed by LOC Z RWY 26 approach.
  • If I experience tailwind, fly a GO-Around and follow the Standard Missed Approach Procedure.
  • Fly into the published Holding over Lampedusa and stay for 2 Holdings.
  • The next approach will be the VOR RWY 08 approch after which will be the landing.

First of all … try to get some plates of course ! RocketRoute is not too bad for that leg  (Plates there)

I will fly in VFR to Linosa island and join the IFR for the SID over LATNI

How to find this little Linosa island in Sea  ? In crossing two VOR for example with the QDM 261° GZO (66 NM) and QDR 207° LPD (25 NM) or the ADF of LPD.

The souvenirs from my PPL told me that the Distance (NM) to reach a VOR is D=1.23 x  Altitude (in feet) as the longest distance for GZO is 66 NM I would catch the signal if I am above 3000′ by security that would be good as the minimum altitude at LATNI is FL65 !

So i would declare under Z flightrule a flightplan route as  GZO DCT LATNI/N0175F80 IFR LPD

I dont wanna fly too high today and for this distance it would not change too much so a FL80 is for me a good choice, even of the weather is not perfect, the summer is behind now. At least i would not switch on too much the heat system ;). By the way if the weather will not change i would land on Rwy 26 with a wind facing to me.

LMML 221215Z 24008KT 9999 SCT025 29/20 Q1018 NOSIG
LICD 221150Z 26014KT 9999 SCT020 29/21 Q1019

GH VFR point – the Harbor

Direction to MF VFR point

SP VFR point in approach

DR VFR point , direction to West Gate now


Leaving West Gate, fly to Linosa island

Difficult to see the Linosa island with these clouds, anyway i am on IFR, going to LATNI

Just after my DME-ARC of LATNI 1B i m following the LOC Z RWY 26

Final approach and landing Rwy 26

Part of IVAO Switzerland ATPL IFR/VFR Tour 2018

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